Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Benefits of Calcium Fertilizer in Agriculture

 As an agricultural country, the Philippines largely consumes fertilizers mainly for agrarian purposes. Fertilizers are essential in improving soil conditions and promoting plant health. Because the country is located close to the equator, soils often dry up due to the bouts of droughts that result in the loss of crops that devastate many farmlands. To counter the adverse effects on the grounds, fertilizers are utilized after droughts to return lands to planting conditions.

Indeed, fertilizers are beneficial, especially those that contain calcium. Calcium is a vital element that can help with many aspects in terms of cultivation. Due to this, many have opted to acquire calcium fertilizers from the distributors like EPI Phil. So, how exactly does calcium help in agriculture?

Soil Health

Depending on the plant or crop, its growth is highly dependent on the health and status of the soil. People need to watch out for the acidity level of soils because it needs to match the acidity requirement that the plant needs to consume nutrients. When the soil is too acidic, the soil's nutrients will become challenging to convert for plants to absorb.

Using calcium will help keep the soil's acidity balanced by raising pH levels, which will promote the plant's ability to absorb nutrients.

Plant Growth

  1. Distributes Nutrients
    Not only does calcium help in making nutrient absorption easy for plants, but it also helps in distributing the nutrients to all parts of the plants, ensuring proper overall health and growth. 

  2. Increases Root Mass
    The mineral helps increase root mass for more surface area, resulting in more excellent and faster absorption of nutrients.

  3. Strengthens Plant Tissue
    The rigidity of a plant that allows it to stand upright is owed to its cell walls. Calcium helps to stabilize cell walls' structures, so when there is a calcium deficiency, plants tend to manifest growth distortions.


As an agricultural country, it is vital to prioritize cultivation by using nutrients that are easy for plants to utilize, like calcium, as it helps to promote soil health and plant growth. The calcium found initially in soils is insoluble to plants, which is why it is essential to make use of fertilizers, which can be acquired from a trusted Philippines calcium fertilizer distributor.

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